Programmatic SEO is a strategy for creating a large number of web pages at once, aiming to rank for many different keywords. Instead of manually crafting each page, it uses templates and data sources to automate the process. This allows websites to target "long-tail keywords," which are more specific and often have lower competition than general keywords.

Here's a breakdown of the key points:

Think of large websites like Amazon or Yelp. They use programmatic SEO to create individual product pages or location-specific listings, all built from templates and populated with relevant data. This allows them to rank for a vast number of keywords related to their offerings.

While not a replacement for high-quality, in-depth content, programmatic SEO can be a valuable tool for businesses looking to:

It's important to note that programmatic SEO requires careful planning and execution.  Ensuring the generated content is relevant, informative, and avoids thin content penalties from search engines is crucial for success.